“I followed Seth Godin for many years — he's from an advertising background,” explains Bluedot’s Creative Director Tara Kenny. “I find him approachable and wide reaching, and very thought provoking. In his podcast, he takes questions from people all over the world, and addresses many topics about sustainability and how we can all make a difference.
“In the episode More or Less,” Kenny tells us, “Godin addresses a question from someone in Scotland who asks whether we should be consuming more — purchase an electric bike because it's eco-friendly, for instance — or continue to use what we have. Can we produce our way out of global warming or can we survive better by producing less? We have a systemic challenge in front of us. Godin thinks it could be a trap to push for less. It could be better by pushing for better — which is good, IMO.”
To sum up, says Kenny, “Interesting, thought provoking stuff.”